Hello and welcome! Thank you for visiting my website. I do hope you enjoy discovering more about who I am and what I do. I always enjoy receiving emails so do feel free to contact me anytime via nancy@nancygoudie.com
For the last 27 years I have run a unique Spiritual Health Weekend for women in 4 or 5 star luxury hotels. Each year hundreds of women find the weekend a place where they can experience fun, relaxation and deep encounters with God. You can find more about my 2026 weekend here. I also have 2 UK retreats in 2025 – you can find more information on these here.
I love speaking at churches and events and often travel to do this. If you would like me to speak at your church or event, do contact me. You can see many of my preaches and talks here. I also have authored many books and CDs and you can find out more about these here including my latest book You Are Loved which you can now order here. You can also join me for virtual Tea & Cake with Nancy here, you can see where I am travelling to, read my blogs, and much more on the website so do explore the site and remember to get in touch with me if you wish to do so.

“How do you cope when life is hard? What do you do when you don’t understand why things work out the way they do? You TRUST. I have always said that we are not called to understand everything that happens in life but we are called to trust.”