18th February 2021 Eloise Twyford

Prayer points for Friday 19th February 2021

For those who are reading these prayer points for the first time – do read the information at the bottom of this report which includes how this started and tips and pointers to help you during this COVID time. 

I was asking the Lord what to write this week as I usually do and he reminded me of a time in my life when many things I held dear were stripped away.  One day long before my husband and I came into full time ministry, Ray told me he was giving up his faith and was no longer going to live life as a Christian.  I was unaware of the shame that he held in his heart that made him come to that decision.  I was devastated.  I cried out to God to change the circumstances because I realised Ray’s decision could lead us away from each other.  The Lord asked me, “Nancy who do you love the most – Ray or me?”  I didn’t know the answer.  I had always said I loved the Lord more than Ray, but deep in my heart I really didn’t know if that was true.  I loved my husband so much.  I struggled with the answer – was I going to follow God or follow Ray, but then I made up my mind, I was going to trust God and go his way and suddenly I knew that I really did love the Lord more. 

At that point it seemed like many things were being stripped away from my life and I cried out to the only one who could help me.  As I prayed, I felt as though Ray’s life was in the balance and I cried out to God to do something.  Eventually God answered me (the whole story is in my book Spiritual Health Encounters) and he told me that he had heard my cries and seen my tears and if I could see what he would do with Ray, I wouldn’t believe it.  He said I didn’t need to pray anymore instead he wanted me to praise him every day for all he was going to do.  Immediately I stopped crying and danced for joy around our lounge.  God has spoken and I could trust him to do it.  I had to hold on to God for a year before I saw the answer to my prayers and God was right, I couldn’t believe what God had done with my husband.  It was as though he had given me a brand-new husband whose love and passion for God was the same as mine.  We both loved God more than we loved each other and yet we loved each other with such a joy and passion.  Today it feels as though God is stripping away things we hold dear in our lives through this pandemic.  We can no longer go out to shop, or to eat at a restaurant, to go to the theatre, attend a football match, meet with friends or family, or even go to church, or meet with others to worship.  We are not sure if we will be able to have a holiday abroad or in this country this year.  Everything is unsure.  But when everything is stripped away what do we have left?  There was only one sure thing in my life at that time, and that was my relationship with my Lord. 

Today too the only thing we can be assured of is our unchanging God who never leaves us or forsakes us.  It feels as though through this stripping away time that we need to reassess who we love the most – is it shopping, is it eating out, is it our holidays, is it our church, is it family and friends or is it God?  None of these things are necessarily bad, but at the end of the day who do we love the most?  As I held on to God, he made things better than they ever were before.  Similarly, if we hold on to God through this pandemic, he can bring good out of every bad situation we face.  Let’s remember this truth as we pray today! 


PRAYER POINTS FOR FRIDAY 19th February 2021  

  • Praise God that the statistics tell us that deaths, hospital admissions and new cases are all coming down and seem to be coming down quite significantly. Keep praying for this to reduce to a very low level.  It will be helping that over 16 million people have been vaccinated. The R rate is below 1 (0.7 – 0.9) which is wonderful.  Let’s continue to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  This virus is not what the Lord wants for our planet, so let’s cry out to him for victory.  Also let’s rejoice that there are good signs that we are on the road to recovery.  Pray for those with the virus right now that they will recover swiftly.  Pray too for those who have lost a loved one to this virus – pray the comfort of the Holy Spirit upon them all.


  • We lift up our government and our Prime Minister to the Lord. We pray for MP’s of all parties and ask for wisdom and strength for each of them.  We pray for a different way of working – one of unity in fighting this virus.  Pray for those who make decisions about the way ahead – particularly pray for them right now as they mark out the plan for the road out of lockdown.  Pray they and their advisors will know Heaven’s wisdom for the way ahead.  Let’s pray for leaders across the world.  The Bible instructs us to pray for our leaders – if ever they need our prayers it is now.  Let’s bless world leaders and pray for them to come to love and know the Lord.  Pray for our Royal Family too and for the role they play in our nation.  Pray particularly for Prince Philip who is in hospital at this time.


  • Let’s pray for good mental health for all of us. So many are struggling with fear, worry, anxious thoughts and confusion.  Let’s pray for ourselves, our families, our friends who we know are suffering from poor mental and emotional health.  Pray for joy, peace and life to the full – all these are found in Jesus.  Pray that many will realise where their anxious thoughts are coming from and turn their hearts and minds towards the Lord.  Pray that Christians will have the courage to talk about their faith in the Lord to others around them.  There are many people looking for answers – lets show them by our lifestyle and by our words that God really does have the answers to the problems we all face.  The truth is that God is our sure and present help in times of trouble. 


  • Praise God for our health system in the UK – the NHS. Pray for everyone who works in Health care across the world.  We have so many wonderful and caring people who work as nurses, doctors, surgeons etc.  Do pray for all who work in hospitals at this time – do include those who clean and steward the buildings too.  All who work in the hospitals across our world are so important. Everyone plays a part of helping no matter what they do.  Please do pray for those who work in Care Homes – so many older lives depend on these care workers.  Pray for each one that they will exude kindness to all.  Pray for those who live in care homes too that they will have courage and hope in their lives.  Pray that they will see their families again soon. 


  • The schools in England should be going back soon, the schools in Wales have already gone back and the schools in Scotland are about to go back – so do pray for young people everywhere as they begin to get back into school in March. Pray that this will be an easy adjustment for them all.  Pray that they will be kept safe and that we wouldn’t see the virus spread through them being back at school.  Let’s continue to pray for their mental and emotional health.  Pray for their education – many have found learning through lockdown so difficult.   Do pray that they will catch up and that they will be encouraged that the way forward seems to be on the horizon.  Pray for parents – many are struggling with home schooling.  Pray especially for those who are juggling full time jobs with home schooling.   This can cause huge tensions in the home at this time.  Pray for peace and joy within the four walls of each home.  Pray too for those who are studying and on courses from universities and colleges that their education too would not suffer.


  • Let’s continue to pray for businesses all over the country. I was speaking on Zoom to a business owner recently who told me that during this lockdown, he received a gift through the post of £250.  He has no idea who it came from – but it spoke hugely to him that God was looking after him.  Pray that all business owners will begin to understand that all supernatural help could be theirs if they trust and have faith for their business. There are so many who are struggling.  Let’s remember to hold them in our prayers, but also to extend kindness to those we know who are struggling at this time.  Pray for those who have lost their jobs – the unemployment rate is going up hugely.  Do pray that those without a job will find a good job soon.  Pray too that the government will have wisdom how to restore our economy and that it will quickly grow back. 


  • Let’s continue to pray for the spiritual health of our country. We have prayed for physical health but let’s not forget our spiritual state.  Let’s pray that in these difficult and trying times, people will sense and know God in their midst.  Pray for supernatural dreams and visions.  Pray that many will have a deep awareness of someone greater helping them at this time.  Pray that many will turn to God and we will see an awakening across our world.  Pray for Christians everywhere that they will have courage and wisdom as to how to share their faith.  Pray that Christians will exude peace, joy and life – three gifts that God has given us all – (See John 14:27; John 15:11; John 10:10) and that others would notice the difference in our lives. 



Do you need prayer?  What a joy it has been to pray for those who have asked for prayer in recent months.  We are seeing many answers to our prayers.  Remember if you or others need prayer do drop us an email and we will pray.  Don’t forget our prayer line if you or others need prayer – prayer@ngm.org.uk 


As I go out for my daily walk there are many signs that Spring is coming.  Daffodils are pushing their way through the earth along our street – it’s a sure sign that Spring is on is way.  There are signs too in the news that lockdown rules are going to be relaxed soon.  But our faith is not in the signs we see, our faith is in our loving, unchanging, miraculous God who holds us in his hand and promises to never leave us or forsake us.  This is the God who asks us the same question he asked Peter in John 21:15, “Do you love me more than these?”  Let’s answer him truthfully today.  My answer is “Yes Lord – more than shopping, eating out, going to the theatre, more than my holiday, more than attending church meetings, more than meeting with my friends and family – although I love all of these Lord, I love you more!”  Listen and you will hear his reply as he says to you, “I have loved you from before you were born and I will love you lavishly for eternity!  Trust in me!”  Sending loads of love and encouragement to you all – 




For those who are reading these prayer points for the first time, do read below:

Setting the scene

On 20th March 2020 I called for a National Day of Prayer, not only for the UK, but also for others who live further afield.  A few days after it was over two friends contacted me and asked if I would do a National Prayer Day every Friday, and asked if I would continue to give some pointers each week for prayer.  After prayer, I took up the challenge of doing just that.  Thank you for joining us.  To read previous prayer points and encouragements – go to www.nancygoudie.com/blog/


Helpful instructions/suggestions:

  1. Set your phone, your watch, your alarm clock or whatever to remind you to pray throughout the day. I would suggest praying every hour for a few minutes or for as long as you wish, but make a time that is suitable for yourself.
  2. Maybe pray for one of the above pointers every hour – or take one for each day of the week.
  3. Every time you wash your hands, which should be often – then pray a ‘Heal Our Nation’ prayer – sing or speak the lyrics of ‘Heal our Nation’ and ask God to pour out his Spirit on this land.  ‘Heal our Nation, Heal our Nation, Heal our Nation, pour out your Spirit on this land.’  Sing or speak that twice.  And finish with the first line from the verse ‘Lord we long for you to move in power’ – and ask God to move in the UK but also move in our world.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoZwje7Ogkg
  1. Keep reading Psalm 91, Psalm 121 and Psalm 46 to encourage yourself and your family with the truth of the word of God. Perhaps try meditating on Psalm 62:5-6 – Find rest, O my Soul in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will not be shaken.
  2. Use the UK Blessing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUtll3mNj5U Play it in your home – make this as a wonderful blessing on you and your family, your children and their children. When you go a walk pray it over your neighbourhood. The song was written in Elevation church, USA. You can watch here and discover how the song came together in the presence of the Lord – no wonder this song is being used at this time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp6aygmvzM4&feature=emb_rel_end